I'm quiet fascinated by the way different social networking communities have quickly caught on with internet users from world wide. From Orkut to Facebook to MySpace, there seems to be endless communities online and more keep popping up. All of them are vying for the same target audience and so the competition is fast gearing up.
The latest news is that MySpace, an online social media networking community, has merged with Skype to provide its users with a different way to communicate.
Over 110 million registered users of MySpace will be able to easily call each other through the application embedded in their website through Skype. To make this service more appealing and attractive, users will also be able to add their photographs or animated pictures as MySpace 'avtars'.
Clients will neither have to download Skype nor will require a Skype account. They will be able to call other users through MySpace IM. This service is supposed to be launched in 20 countries by November.
This step by MySpace might help it in giving a competitive edge over its rival websites like facebook which have been fast climbing the popularity charts.
Seems like VoIP is out there to help one and all! ( For those who don't know, Skype uses VoIP call termination service to make free PC to PC and PC to Phone calls)