Tuesday, December 25, 2007
New VoIP Quality Monitoring Diagnostic Platform Cuts ISP Call Center Queues
Vocalite is the next generation customer support solution based on a concept of empowering the subscriber's VoIP faults. Vocalite offers the diagnostic information to subscriber via web-browser on either the instructions of service provider's contact center or end-users. After completing a thorough two-way analysis of connection, Vocalite provides subscriber with a basic summary of the test and results will be automatically sent to the service provider. In the meantime Customer Service Representatives (CSR) can have an access to an extensive list of test results including Call Setup time, Dial Tone Delay and more importantly, voice quality. Moreover, CSR allows visual pass and fail indicators to assure adequate service quality and acknowledges the presence of a fault. This reduces the need of second line support staff.
From an end-user's perspective, Vocalite measures the call quality across the virtually existing provider's network. This enables network providers to keep an eye on both physical network, key applications and switches to fix any problem before they reach the end-users.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Uses of calling cards in voip
Calling cards are the prepaid cards which carries pre-charged amount. These cards on VOIP are used for making long distance and international calls at cheaper rates compared to conventional PSTN. Before buying the card always focus on important points like phone rates, renew ability, rollover minutes, hidden fees and quality of call. This is because there are many providers who are offering calling cards. The best thing about the calling card on Voip is that they are easily available in affordable range i.e. $5 to $100. For making a call using calling card, one must possess high speed IP network i.e. broadband connection, Analog Telephone Adapter (ATA) as well as phone.
Calling near and dear ones across the world from calling cards reduces the cost and increases the efficiency. I would like to share few points with others who are looking forward to avail calling cards on VOIP:
1. Longer distance and international calls
2. Reduces the call rate
3. Minimum Latency on call
4. Increases the call efficiency
5. Increases the voice quality
6. No geographical constraint
7. Reliable and secure mode of communication
8. Offers functionality
In order to save money on longer distance or international call, calling cards are very effective. The uses that I came across made me really happy and satisfied.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Buying Advice: Essential before you move ahead!
1. You must evaluate toll-free calling between all location as this will help you to know actual potential savings.
2. Always opt for authorized VOIP provider.
3. Never forget to investigate about provider.
4. Check out for high-end communication facilities like 3-way communication, caller ID, call waiting and so on.
5. Always buy new VOIP equipment as used equipment can be problematic.
6. Look for the provider that allows you to send images, videos and data through same line. This will increase the VOIP efficiency.
7. Check or enquire about voice quality.
8. Look for provider that offers flawless connectivity between sender and receiver.
9. Importantly, check tariff plans to make long distance and international calling at cheaper rates.
Though, when I made the selection, I considered aforesaid points and that have helped me a lot. Hence, for your best selection you must go through tips for buying VOIP services.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Hosted VOIP Services - The growth continues.....
In hosted VoIP services, the physical telecom equipment is located off the premises of the client companies, this means that maintenance of equipment is not the client's liability. This inherent flexibility of hosted services makes them very much popular among corporate houses - more specifically, the small and medium businesses.
Hosted VOIP services have special significance for small businesses. And the reasons are quite evident. Small businesses often lack the capital or the infrastructure to deploy and manage full-fledged enterprise-wise VOIP solutions. For this category of business users, subscribing to hosted VoIP services is the next logical alternative. In this discussion, we are assuming that the business groups are thinking rationally. They want to employ the best that technology has to offer to enhance their profit margins.
Recent figures substantiate the claim mentioned above. According to the result of recent research, the use of hosted VoIP services has increased significantly, more so among small businesses. The future global trend is that the growth in hosted VoIP services would continue.
These results should not cause any raised eye-brows. In addition to flexibility, hosted VOIP services have several other factors going for it as well. Significant cost savings and feature functionality are two of the more important factors that need to be mentioned in this context. Easy integration with other data networks also go in favour of hosted VoIP.
The popularity of hosted VOIP solutions is expected to increase further with the convergence of voice, data, video and mobility.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Business VOIP - Innovative solutions. Industry leading costs
This and other similar launches have clouded the telecommunications landscape and have enhanced the recall value of the term - “business VOIP.” Corporate and business users are increasingly managing and routing their calls through high speed Internet connections and PBX systems are almost done away with.
VoIP call termination services, designed for business users, are now available at industry leading prices. As a matter of fact, the cost of making calls using business VoIP solutions is significantly less as compared to traditional phone systems. Some specific business VoIP solutions come with additional features such as voicemail, caller ID display, call waiting, call transfer, address books and number blocking. All these features make the business VoIP solutions more capable of taking on the challenges of the volatile business world.
Business users could make international calls and connect with branch offices located in different parts of the globe at nominal costs. One could even go to the extent of running virtual offices - thanks to some of the more innovative business VoIP solutions.
It can be said that with the current genre of business VOIP solutions, the geographical barriers and boundaries loose their meaning, making the world an even smaller place.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
VOIP in day-to-day life
The fast paced world of today demands a high dose of tenacity in all of us. We need to prove ourselves each day to survive in this competitive scenario. And all the help that we can get from facilitating technology is more than welcome. As of now, Internet and mobile phones have become an indispensable part of most of our lives. Another technological innovation that in expected to follow suit, if not just now then in the very near future, is VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol).
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Mobile VOIP
To enable Mobile VoIP, one would need a mobile phone handset that supports high speed IP communication. Mobile handset manufacturers are giving adequate thought to the design and development of innovative handsets that could be used to enjoy specialised VoIP services. For one, these innovative handsets would have more powerful processors. One could use many of the latest smart phones for high speed web access, sending and receiving emails, as well as for viewing engrossing TV output.
Apart from the device, one would need a client software, a wireless network and a VoIP service for enabling mobile VoIP. A potential user could go for Voice over Wi-fi, which is more often than not, delivered free of cost. One could also opt for high speed services through EVDO rev A or HSPDA technology – the better audio qualities and metropolitan coverage would compensate for the price one would typically have to pay for these specialised services.
There is a rising demand for Mobile VOIP and facilitators from different spheres are doing all that it takes to cater to this demand. The industry for Mobile VoIP is still in the nascent stage but if the current trends are anything to go by, the growth rates are expected to be phenomenal in the near future.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Updated voip routes details with contact information
Sell/Buy | Type of routes | Source/Destination | Contact Information |
Buying | N/A | Afghanistan and somalia | seezar7@hotmail.com |
Buying | N/A | China proper, Australia proper, UK proper | alexander@speedflowcomm.com |
Buying | N/A | China | tanja@speedflowcomm.com |
Buying | N/A | Austria and Switzerland | Sana@Speedflowcomm.com |
Selling | High Quality Route | Mexico | pam@airstarcommunications.net, pamc@airstarcommunications.com |
Buying | direct ciba route | N/A | gk_voip@hotmail.com |
Buying | N/A | A to Z destinations | viki.fdman@hotmail.com |
Buying | N/A | Austria and Switzerland | Sana@Speedflowcomm.com |
Selling | stable Cuba route | N/A | surender@fastelco.com.bh surender@tele-gulf.net |
Selling | WHITE CLI ROUTE | INDIA, EGYPT, PHILLIPINES, SRILANKA, AND A2Z DESTINATIONS | sales@voizbay.com, chandra@voizbay.com |
Selling | white & direct route | Pakistan | fatima_icallglobe@yahoo.com s.fatima@icallglobe.com s.fatima@icallglobe.com http://www.icallglobe.com |
Selling | white & blended route | India | fatima_icallglobe@yahoo.com s.fatima@icallglobe.com s.fatima@icallglobe.com http://www.icallglobe.com |
Selling | White | Syria Libya and Ghana | deepa@bolindia.com, flc2004@hotmail.com |
Selling | A-Z routes | N/A | sales@glovitel.com |
Selling | A-Z routes | N/A | voip-server@hotmail.com |
Buying | DIRECT CUBA ROUTE | N/A | voip-server@hotmail.com |
Source- Information is picked from www.voipforums.com
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
MySpace Joins Hands With Skype

I'm quiet fascinated by the way different social networking communities have quickly caught on with internet users from world wide. From Orkut to Facebook to MySpace, there seems to be endless communities online and more keep popping up. All of them are vying for the same target audience and so the competition is fast gearing up.
The latest news is that MySpace, an online social media networking community, has merged with Skype to provide its users with a different way to communicate.
Over 110 million registered users of MySpace will be able to easily call each other through the application embedded in their website through Skype. To make this service more appealing and attractive, users will also be able to add their photographs or animated pictures as MySpace 'avtars'.
Clients will neither have to download Skype nor will require a Skype account. They will be able to call other users through MySpace IM. This service is supposed to be launched in 20 countries by November.
This step by MySpace might help it in giving a competitive edge over its rival websites like facebook which have been fast climbing the popularity charts.
Seems like VoIP is out there to help one and all! ( For those who don't know, Skype uses VoIP call termination service to make free PC to PC and PC to Phone calls)
Friday, September 28, 2007
Opportunity To Step Into VoIP Business

In my previous posts I have discussed about VoIP and its benefits besides discussing about the current news that is creating a buzz in the IP telecommunication field. I have been watching the voice over IP market quiet closely in order to study the new services or solutions that are on offer by different VoIP service providers. Honesty, there are quiet a few interesting things that have caught my eye and I was kind of confused while trying to select what to mention in the blog.
A couple of days back one of my friends, whose working for iCallglobe, one of the premium VoIP service providers, gave me some meaty information. iCallglobe, has come up with a new website, www.connect2globe.com ( its trading style). Now initially I was quiet curious to find out what would be different between the two websites, for I strongly believe that a provider should always concentrate on one website if the services are inter-related, instead of coming up with numerous sites.
As it turns out, connect2globe has come up with very profitable business solutions for people interested in stepping in the IP telephony sector. They are offering tailor made platforms for multitude services like PC2Phone Service, Calling Cards, SMS Services, IP PBX Services, Callback Services, Managed Partitioning Services and Managed NOC Services.
The thought behind coming up with these services was that many people stop in their tracks when thinking of venturing into the voice over IP field, for the investment required is quiet high. With the help of these ready made platforms the need to make high investment will completely diminish. Additionally they are said to be focusing on providing enhanced quality service and ease of operations. iCallglobe is known for providing 24x7x365 technical support through live chat. The same plus point is furnished to the clients of connect2globe too.
iCallglobe,established in 2004, has come a long way since then and seems to be going strong( taking their high customer retention rate as well as the yearly profits into consideration).
You can check out their new website at- www.connect2globe.com
More to follow up on this...ciao till then!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
School In Kuwait Leverages Mitel's VoIP Solution
This switch to IP telephony came because the school is spread over a vast area arising the need for a centralised communication structure while minimizing cables and equipment installation. Mahmoud Sharab, Projects Manager, Fahad Al Bahar Sons Trading Co. W.L.L. Suggested the Mitel VoIP solution to the school keeping the above mentioned requirement in view.
School is said to have reported a definite increase in its over all productivity resulting from efficient in-house communication as well as a value addition to their knowledge market lead by deploying cheap IP telephony.
This is not the first time that a school has relied on voice over IP solution for enhancing its education system. Take for instance, University of Surrey or University of Kent both of whom are taking IP telephony services from Mitel Networks.
VoIP call services have not left any field untouched and is leaving its permanent tattoo on every sector of varied industries. Its fast benefits resulting in tremendous savings and multitude value added features has made it the hot favorite of many.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Samsung Monitors Arrive With VoIP Functionality
Finally you can talk to your friends, relatives or clients even when you need to take a washroom break! All you would need is an Ethernet connection and power. Never again will the client be cut off during an important discussion. I, for one, used to find it really infuriating to leave an important conversation midway simply because I had to move out of the office. Now you can even be sitting in a lounge bar and giggling over the monitor with your long distance beau!
The only difference between its lesser counterpart 225 UW is that it comes embedded with a 2 post USB hub while SyncMaster 220 TN has 4 port USB port. Besides this, 225 UW lacks the PC free calling features. Rest of the specifications are almost the same.
I personally like the look of it and the specifications are way too tempting to stop myself from owning one of these little babies. The only hitch is the size. There are other monitors available in the market which are bigger in size.
Samsung banking on the VoIP functionality feature clearly shows how every sector is trying to make the best use of this new and cheap telephony.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Skype Offers A 7 Day Feast To Their Users

About a million users of Skype were logged out last week for 2-3 days after a major Skype outrage. Skype provides internet telephony service through peer to peer technology. This also means that in a peer to peer technology where one is both a server and client, in case of failure of one the other would automatically take its place. However this sudden outrage has proved otherwise.
According to Skype this sudden outrage was caused when its users downloaded a Microsoft patch which lead to their computers being restarted. As a result a chain reaction ensued with Skype server being over loaded with log-in requests from its users. Customers were unable to connect from Thursday and were finally able to log-in on Saturday.
This disruption tremendously effected the residentials and business class especially the small business houses. Only people who heaved a sigh of relief were the ones who have a back up service like their mobile phones. This brings into question the reliability of peer to peer service that relies on public internet. One of the main reasons as to why public internet can not be depended on solely for daily communication needs is that once voice packets enter the public network interface no preference is given to them over data or video packets. As a result quality issues like latency and jitters take place.
This is precisely why enterprises who give priority to their communication structure take VoIP call termination service from VoIP service providers. This ensures quality, reliability and stability of their everyday communication.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Is It Time To Give Your Website A Makeover?
Not just this but a constant upgradation of a website is as important as the service you provide for it reinforces to the clients that you are serious about every aspect of your business no matter how big and small.
Take for instance iCallGLobe, a U.K. Based VoIP call termination provider. They have revamped their website which has come as a breath of fresh air. Take cue from them to understand how you can effectively communicate your aims, objectives and services through your online presence.
IP telephony is a growing field with a booming number of people from all spheres opting for it. Your online presence gives you the added benefit of reaching potential customers from overseas in a matter of several clicks. Why not make the best out of this opportunity?
I have personally witnessed the traffic of websites increasing by a makeover. Change is at times not such a bad thing after all.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Health Industry Benefits From VoIP

We are not new to the multitude of benefits that VoIP services have to offer. The latest buzz is that Central Middlesex hospital in North West London which was in the process of upgradation has deployed VoIP telephony service in order to reap the advantages of this promising new technology. It is believed that this switch came about in order to help them save the telephony charges and to cut down on the cables.
Their VoIP service provider has helped the hospital to retain their previous numbers by helping them to connect seamlessly with their traditional analogue phone lines. The hospital now enjoy a single switchboard which alone helps route all the calls thereby increasing the efficiency and cutting down on the cost of operations.
The system will further be improved to provide interactive voice response system which will enable the callers to simply call out the name of the person they wish to contact and the call would then automatically be transferred to that particular staff number. So the hard to remember phone extensions have taken a back seat!
This is yet another example of different sectors converging their traditional telephone lines with voice over IP service to increase their savings and raise the efficiency level of their daily operations. These simple features not just help make an organisation more efficient and productive but also makes available a more responsive service to the end users.
VoIP service providers offer different features in order to help business houses or residentials get the most out of this service. For instance 24x7 online support service is one such feature which helps you get unremitting telephony service. iCallGlobe a U.K. Based VoIP service provider has a resilient support staff which functions 24x7 through online web interface to ensure a ceaseless voice over IP service.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
MTNL Takes VoIP To Nepal
This step comes as a precaution to check the illegal international long distance calls by cyber cafe's and VoIP service providers which has been eating tremendous money of the state.
VoIP telephony will not only check this illegal business thereby helping the government to save the money lost due to it but will also help in hugely saving the cost of call transmission by offering a cheaper and more efficient mode of communication.
It is thus time for Nepalese population to make merry for they will get to be a part of this ongoing telecommunication revolution which has been brought about by voice over IP services.
This step by the government has added another feather in the cap of VoIP termination service for it shows that VoIP is not only rising the popularity charts but it is also getting acceptance by various countries clearing the path for a faster and consistent growth across the globe.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
VoIP On A All Time High
Great piece of news for VoIP providers. Yankee Group's "Growing Pains Persist in an Adolescent Market: Yankee Group's 2007 US Consumer VoIP Subscriber Forecast" reports that the users of residential VoIP services in U.S. has grown to 9% in 2006, a major rise from 4% in 2005. This augmentation comes mainly from cable companies and broadband VoIP providers.
The growth of VoIP users in a country like U.S is clearly mirroring the fact that VoIP is fast spreading across the globe with no signs what so ever to slow down. If it continues to grow at the same pace, which it is most likely to, it will only be a matter of years till it completely takes over the traditional modes of communication.
This also gives a green signal to all those who were till now apprehensive about venturing into this revolutionary technology.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
VoIP Safe For Emergency Situations
This move is definitely a great way to ensure that in times of emergency no mishap takes place due to unavailability of 999 VoIP emergency access. Additionally it will make VoIP telephony service more reliable and a secure way to connect.
For months now emergency access through voice over IP service has been an issue of concern. Reason being that VoIP telephony service does not provide an area dependent phone number. As a result when a voice over IP user tries to call the emergency number the assistant at the other end at times is unable to figure out the location from where the call is being made.
With this regulation on IP telephony this scenario is likely to change ensuring a safe and dependable voice over IP solution to the users.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Truphone's Victory Over T-Mobile
The reasoning given by T-mobile U.K. was that this conflict arose due to the inability of both the companies to come to a compromise on the interconnection fees. However this seems like an excuse to get out of the muddy situation of explaining the real reason.
A court case had ensued between the two concerned parties. In the preliminary ruling the court has given the verdict in favor of Truphone, ordering T-mobile to let its users terminate the calls through Truphone's network. Accordingly, both companies should start to negotiate the interconnection fees. In the absence of agreeing to a common rate, the court will take it upon itself to give the final verdict on the rate.
This battle is just the beginning of the few that are likely to follow as VoIP services begin to spread its wings across the globe slowly attracting the customers of mobile operators.
Does this show that mobile operators are scared of this new technology? Why would they be scared of something that they term as 'ineffective and useless'? Too contradictory, isn't it? This panic reaction of operators is definitely a telltale of their hidden insecurity that stems from the acknowledgment that IP telephony has got all that it takes to completely take over, leaving them without business.
Friday, July 20, 2007
On A Marathon With VoIP- Continued
Continuing with one of my previous blogs titled “On a marathon with VoIP” I will try to list another business opportunity that one can take advantage of for increasing their revenue generation( read- $$$$'s !)
Elaborating on the above mentioned blog, ideally an internet service provider, system integrators, hardware & software product manufacturers, call shop owners, calling card companies among a host of others can provide VoIP service in a creative way to earn big moolah.
For instance, if you are dealing with calling cards or if you are an internet telephony service provider then the best option would be to provide bundle up services with voice over IP i.e. by unifying your existing service with VoIP call termination facility.
This will give you two fold advantage. By providing a bundle up service you will be able to attract customers since you will be offering them the convenience to take care of just a single bill at the end of the month( who prefers to maintain a track record of numberless bills..i don't!). Additionally your product line and profit margin will increase without making any substantial investment( as mentioned previously, the service provider owns and maintains the entire infrastructure and the technical equipments needed to transmit the call).
Let your creative spirit drive while you sit in the super fast VoIP jalopy and see yourself win the race!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Vonage Lending A New Sun To SunRocket's Users?
A day after the sudden shut down of SunRocket, a Vienna based VoIP Service Provider, Vonage is lending a helping hand to its subscribers by offering them to transit their phone number to Vonage at no extra charge. Along with this 2 months free service will also be provided to those who decide to opt for their U.S. Residential Premium Unlimited Plan.
Besides this 25 value added features are also a part of the package on offer.
Seems like a great deal for SunRocket subscribers, right? Well, I have a different take on this. Firstly why would anyone want to migrate to another VoIP provider whose future is anyways in a dillydally?( Unless they prefer this pendulum like state!).
Another interesting development is that there are several subscribers who are claiming that Vonage has been unable to transfer their SunRocket number to Vonage! Not sure till how far this rumor is true but if it is, then it seems like Vonage has not learned its lesson in customer satisfaction!
My bigger concern over these recent developments is that somewhere down the line it seems like even big giants, in this case SunRocket and Vonage, seem to be completely ignorant not just about business ethics but also perhaps the way to project their brand image and services. Is their PR executive not bothered about the negative publicity this would provoke or perhaps they are a believer of the fact that any publicity is good publicity? Food for thought!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
A Shot In The Arm Leaves SunRocket Without Business
In less than a week another development has confirmed the rumor which has been ringing everywhere. It seems like the company has closed down without even informing its clients. Perhaps they want to doge the questions that could be raised for this sudden closure. Personally i feel this is a case of shirking the responsibility and projects their complete lack of accountability towards their customers. All sympathies with their 200,000 subscribers who are now suddenly left without a telephone service.
Their customers became aware of the companies close-down when they heard a voice message on calling the providers 800 number. On the other hand, there is no mention of this shut down on their website which is still operational allowing customers to purchase their services. Caught in a dilemma the customers have really nothing to fall back on.
What amazes me is the irresponsible and completely unprofessional way this Vienna, VA based company is handling this unfortunate shut-down. Are the companies overlooking business ethics? With this case in point I think they are.
Expect The Unexpected With Nokia And VoIP
It requires a WiFi connection, in opposition to the traditional 3G network, to log on to the internet through N800 and from there you can download skype application from its website. Seems like finally there is a provider whose not scared of competition!
This move on Nokia's part might lure VoIP users to buy its handset too. A single move has placed N800 model on a platform above other handsets which do not allow VoIP termination service.
Integration of a mobile with VoIP service is an important step towards spreading the availability of this multi functional and flexible technology.
More on VoIP later...till then happy voiping around!
Monday, July 16, 2007
On A Marathon with VoIP
One of my long time friends has been thinking about becoming a VoIP reseller for quiet sometime. However, the thought of spending thousands of dollars needed for the initial set up was a huge deterrent.
Well, there are premium VoIP service providers who offer hosted VoIP service thereby managing the entire technical backend process and infrastructure needed for call termination. The service would allow you focus only on the marketing aspect of the business. Talk about reaping the harvest without sowing the seed!
As a result, there is no capital investment, low set up charges and no recurring costs. You can easily become a VoIP reseller and get an added advantage of selling a very lucrative technology which is only going to grow in future, with minimum risks involved.
Additionally, it is not essential for the reseller to understand VoIP technology inside out. Anyone who has a strong and widespread client base can become a voice over IP reseller. There are 2 reseller plans on offer namely- standard and white label reseller program. The only difference between them is of the branding. White label offers you the benefit to re-brand the services in your existing brand. So, you get to use the brand image that you have cultivated to your advantage when you launch this new service. Not just this but it also increases your product line.
So is it time to become a VoIP reseller and gain along with this propitious technology....definitely a thought to mull over. I would definitely answer in the affirmative.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Vonage In Soup...Yet Again
This incident has once again brought forth this excruciating question: how sensitive the management & the top notch managers are to the needs of their employees. With all the public relation executives being taught time and again the importance of employee relations it seems like the concept exists only in theory and is yet to be applied in real-life business scenario.
Hopefully with Vonage being taken to court other companies would tighten the noose.
Monday, July 9, 2007
The next stride forward
...Technical or customer support is an essential element of the VoIP package that you are offered. My service provider offers me 24/7 tech support over online chat. Whenever you face any problem with your VoIP service, the service provider should ensure that the process is easy and quick. All that should be required of you is to log on to MSN and inform the technical team about it. This is the chief reason why I have never considered changing my provider. I hope they pay me for this blatant promotion!
Also to be sure of the security of service that you will be getting, it is a good idea to find out the retention rate of their customers. Additionally, there should be multiple points of presence(POP)and switches. This will help minimize the latency and give you better connectivity.
Center your queries around the rates offered, kind of quality provided, technical support service, retention rate and number of POP's and switches for ensuring that you get an uninterrupted VoIP telephony service.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
First Step towards VoIP

The first step is always the most crucial. After that it is more or less a smooth run. Same is the case with VoIP call termination services. One has to start with selecting a VoIP provider. There are a large number of VoIP service providers existing in the telecom sector and the choice can be tough to make.
There are certain parameters that could be followed. Rates are definitely one of the criteria that I would suggest you take into account. Opt for a VoIP provider who offers you competitive rates. Lesser the rates more would be the savings! Since we are talking about telephony services, quality of service automatically comes to the forefront. No matter which provider’s website you browse, chances are they will all be seen reinforcing that they are providing crystal clear voice quality and minimum latency.
So whom to believe? Well there are essentially two ways for judging the quality. You can ask for their ACD (average call duration), ASR (average success ratio) and PDD (post duration delay) ratio's. ACD should be between 4-5 minutes, ASR between 40-50% and PDD between 2-3 seconds in order to ensure good voice quality. Secondly, a provider who has tie ups with Tier-1 provider will be able to provide better quality routes for VoIP call transmission.
To be continued…
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Getting Started with VoIP
VoIP termination service transmits the voice through high speed broadband internet (ideal speed would be 128 kbps) by condensing and converting it into small digital IP packets from analog signals. These digital IP packets are then reconverted into analog signals, i.e. in the form of voice, and decompressed before they finally reach the listener on the other end.
Benefits of using VoIP call termination service are numerous. Since the voice is transmitted via internet it completely cuts down the need for optical fiber lines thereby cutting down on the cost of calling. You can end up saving up to 50% by utilizing this service.
Moreover one gets the same voice quality as is provided by traditional modes of communication namely- PSTN and PBX. Most of the corporate houses who have integrated VoIP telephony with their businesses claim that it has tremendously increased the productivity.
Being location independent, it gives the benefit of taking your business along with you where ever you go. All that is needed to get started is an internet connection, computer or IP phone, ATA and speakers.
Its benefits are far more than the ones I have listed. All you need to do is get creative and experiment with VoIP in order to get the most out of this revolutionary technology.